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Sembrare una fotografia

Alise comportava, inoltre, un foulard di seta di un verde intenso e capelli biondi straordinariamente folti, che incorniciavano il viso con una massa fitta fitta di riccioli. Alise guardava attraverso due occhi azzurri spalancati, e una pelle fresca e dorata


Le ragazze

Le ragazze, quelle che camminanocon stivali di occhi nerisui fiori del mio cuore. Le ragazze, che abbassano le lancesui laghi delle proprie ciglia. Le ragazze che lavano le gambenel lago delle mie parole. Velimir Chlébnikov (Traduzione di Angelo Maria Ripellino)


I vicini che non capiscono

“Una piccola chiesa dove si canta in un’altra lingua; una pietanza che si prepara da diversi secoli in decine di case nei dintorni, un piatto che, forse, è l’unico ricordo di quel lungo viaggio dalle montagne innevate che un tempo


Cheerful Loving Couple Bakers Drinking Coffee

It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to global brands, companies are reaching out to digital agencies, responding to the new possibilities available. However, the industry is fast becoming overcrowded, heaving with agencies offering similar


Loft Office With Vintage Decor For Creative Working

It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to global brands, companies are reaching out to digital agencies, responding to the new possibilities available. However, the industry is fast becoming overcrowded, heaving with agencies offering similar


Cosy Bright Office In Yellow And Grey Colors

It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to global brands, companies are reaching out to digital agencies, responding to the new possibilities available. However, the industry is fast becoming overcrowded, heaving with agencies offering similar


Traveller Visiting Ice Cave With Amazing Eye-catching Scenes

It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to global brands, companies are reaching out to digital agencies, responding to the new possibilities available. However, the industry is fast becoming overcrowded, heaving with agencies offering similar


Stylish Kitchen And Dining Room With Functional Ideas

It’s no secret that the digital industry is booming. From exciting startups to global brands, companies are reaching out to digital agencies, responding to the new possibilities available. However, the industry is fast becoming overcrowded, heaving with agencies offering similar


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